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Chandragupta II ‘Vikramaditya.Devi Chandragupta’ (Vishakhadatta)

Chandragupta II ‘Vikramaditya’: 380-414 AD 

Chandragupta II ‘Vikramaditya.Devi Chandragupta’ (Vishakhadatta)

According to ‘Devi Chandragupta’ (Vishakhadatta), Samudragupta was succeded by Ramgupta. It seems Ramgupta ruled for a very short period. He was ‘the only Gupta ruler to issue copper coins.

Ramagupta, a coward and impotent king, agreed to surrender his queen Dhruvadevi to Saka invader. But the prince Chandragupta II, the younger brother of the king, resolved to go to the enemy’s camp in the guise of the queen and succeeded in killing the Saka ruler. Chandragupta II extended the limits of empire by matrimonial alliances (with the Nagas and Vakatakas) and conquests (Western India). He married Kubernaga of Naga dynasty and married his daughter Prabhavatigupta with Vakataka prince Rudrasena II. It was in Chandragupta’s time that the Chinese pilgrim Fahien visited India. Mehrauli (near Kutub Minar, Delhi) Iron Pillar inscription says that the king defeated the confederacy of Vangas and Vahilkas (Bulkh). 

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